Saturday, May 13, 2023

Divine Guidance of Pure Love & Light - Embracing a New Life, a New Transformation, a Level Up🌹


All right, let's see Holy Spirit show me Divine Guidance of pure love and light; important messages for me to receive for my highest good and well being🙏🏻

Bottom of the deck there is AWAKE THE NIGHT ~ there is definitely an opportunity coming in for you, Lisa. There's something awakening within you. So there's an ending and a new beginning. It’s very clear here that you manifested this. It is like this calling at you as in a calling out of your heart here. And so with SUMMON the REAPER you're saying goodbye to the old. YOU are embracing a new life, a new transformation. A level up with needed changes and sacrifices. There's decisions that you're going to have to make, but as long as you FOLLOW YOUR ❤️HEART and YOUR ⚔️ TRUTH, your NorthStar🌟, you're going to be fine. It is clear that you're willing to cut off that which no longer serves you for your best highest self. Yes, there's something about family lineage, okay, repeating patterns from the past. All of that needs to be cut off and you are the one that is cutting all the bondage cords, not only from you but your family lineage that needs to be eradicated. You are the one that is breaking the ancestral curses here. You're bringing in something better. And so you're being courageous enough to believe in yourself. Now is the time to move on in life in a way that is honorable to you in a way that is changing. This is life changing. It is changing your life and many people's lives as well. Okay. So there's something here that is a bit mysterious. There's something here that aligns with you when it comes to the night. Okay? You're receiving answers. You're receiving some sort of enlightenment, you're receiving dreams and again, it is like you get to the night. Then, Alright, there is this feeling like while people sleep… You focus on your mastery. It's like you don't have time for games. You put in the work. You know when to make a move or step back. You've been treated unfairly. You are very unique. This unique quality about you is very valuable and beautiful. Please embrace your authentic beauty here. Okay. You're standing true to who you are. It’s very clear that you're not playing any games. You are cutting off people, situations, and mindsets of disbelief. The karmic ties you're cutting off, all of that because you are understanding your assignment, your truths, your purpose and mission. Know that you are divinely guided here and protected. You are CREATING your OWN MAGIC and you're very INTUITIVE. So follow that heart of yours. Okay now, be sure to follow your intuitive wisdom. It is guiding you showing you your path so you have to take actions forward. Things will be healed. Things will be illuminated for you okay, Lisa. There's whiskey wisdom here; you have innate divinely connected intuition, intelligence and years of life experience. There is a lot of wisdom that you embrace within you and it's awakening inside of you.

This is beautiful and the SIX of CUPS, 10 of WANDS in reverse. Along with QUEEN of CUPS, THREE of WANDS, EIGHT of PENTACLES. 

Oh yeah, you making big changes here. Okay Lisa. Clarity is coming to you and a lot of success in this new life. Okay. So expect a lot of clarity. A lot of understanding… Keep doing something here that is meaningful to you. That is purposeful to you. You have a passion for this. You are called to do this. You were born to do what you're being attracted to. Okay. And with this QUEEN of CUPS, she, YOU are the healer. She is YOU; the humanitarian, the caregiver, the nurturer and so whatever you nurture here and you trust in and you give your all it will manifest beautifully. 

LISA, you're standing in a new life of beautiful power, of power that allows you to give back to humanity in a beautiful, healing loving way. So follow your passions follow what you LOVE. It’s clearly your LOVE of DANCE that has action steps that’s healing YOU and OTHERS. Do it everyday and keep up your creative juices flowing here indefinitely.

You see more of a trend where people are leaving their jobs, those traditional nine to five hours and doing their own thing. No, it's definitely bigger than that because that's where you need to be. You are very driven because of your dedication. Again, you're being playful with this. It's like it's something you enjoy, it doesn't even feel like work. It is something that comes naturally to you. You feel it, you know it, okay, you sense it. And so by you putting the actual effort in you creating it, building it, doing what you need to do, doing your part, you're having fun with it. So, if you build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. This pleases you. This allows you to embrace your inner child to have fun to be playful and create. So with this creativity, again, you're creating your own magic here. So is a very loving, playful, sweet, happy, harmonious energy, a lot of emotional fulfillment, a lot of passion and desire here. 

And so there's someone coming into your life from your past lifetimes that is a great partnership for you. Someone that sees YOU and connects with you. They have a lot of respect for you, admire you and want to move on with you in life. You're awakening to your past. Again, your past wisdom. There's something here that you are figuring out. And so that's going to give you an advantage here moving on. You're releasing the burdens with the 10 of Wands in reverse. Again, keep cutting off, what does not serve you. You're focusing on a sweeter life a better life. A life that is in alignment with TRUTH and HONESTY. Something that is pure, stable and solid. So you're focusing on your money, your skills, study, whatever it is that you're studying that you want to perfect because you're gonna really succeed. You're very gifted. You're very good at something so continue to put your energy on what is of importance here. So you can master it, okay. Yeah, Higher knowledge, education. A great adventure. A new different project, but you are in control here. All right. Your actions are required. 

You also have the moon at the bottom deck, so yeah, THINGS ARE GONNA BE REVEALED. Even though you are going through the unknown, you're really coming out of the end of the unknown. You're finally at the light and you see some promises. You see something that is going to elevate you, give you that level up that you've been waiting for. So now that all the challenges that you've gone through are behind you, you are ready for what's to come. So embrace it all. Stay focused, dedicated with consistent discipline. Don't let the mind play tricks on you, don't get distracted by anything else. You are in control here. All right.. So let nothing intimidate you. If you feel fear, GO for it anyway. Face Everything And Rise.✅ If it's in alignment for your highest good, your truth, your purpose, it's gonna work out for you. 

So this is something that you've been waiting for that you've been fighting for that you will have to take action upon. And again at the other end of this moon ☪️ comes success and clarity with the SUN☀️. Okay. Sun is the best card you can get out of the deck. Also under the moon, you have the EIGHT of WANDS, so there's action, movement, networking, communication opportunities coming in for you. So this is a lot of excitement. What you've been waiting for and again, a brand new, positive passionate creation and passion moving forward. You get to write your own story here. All right. So again, knowing your stuff studying your craft (dance & dance creations as well as the Heart Opening Cacao Ceremonies), perfecting & mastering it, okay, a lot of work. Sacrifice is put in place here. With what you're doing here. It's time though, time to move on to better things. Everything is aligning for you now to level up to get to embrace the new journey. Ahead there is a lot of excitement, joy, happiness here for you. You do definitely deserve it LISA. So continue to move on and align with your heart's desire. Okay. Keep aligning. 

All right, LA CASA which is the home, LA JAVE which is the key and a PERRO~DOG. Which is the dog signal, which is the lady. Yeah, the woman. This is you. All right. So you're definitely receiving the KEY to open new and amazing opportunities for you that you get to build upon. YOU get to create and build something amazing here that is something solid and stable. Something that you can call yours, something that you've been waiting for for so long. YOU hold the key to the wisdom. YOU hold the key to whatever this is, YOU are the key. So know that there's been people waiting for what you want to do here. People are waiting for you to step forward and be YOUR best. You know these people are very loyal. There is a friend(s) or partnership, people that can and really want to help you out and give you good advice. And so look forward to those type of partnerships. Be open to someone that will give you an idea, the key idea to something that's been missing.

With love & infinite gratitude 💙🌟🌹


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