This week I want to share this Sun Salutation Plus video that I recently made. My dear hubby was my camera man.
I have talked about yoga, its great value and ways it has been helpful in my life. Let's explore the health benefits of yoga for everyone.
1. Flexibility, Strength, and Agility Improves
Muscles are stretched increasing anti-inflammatory prostaglandin hormones. Muscles are massaged relaxing them. Undesirable physical symptoms decrease and injuries can be overcome. Ligaments and connective tissues become strong and more pliable as well as the muscles. Overall range of motion is improved making activities of daily living easier.
Muscles are stretched increasing anti-inflammatory prostaglandin hormones. Muscles are massaged relaxing them. Undesirable physical symptoms decrease and injuries can be overcome. Ligaments and connective tissues become strong and more pliable as well as the muscles. Overall range of motion is improved making activities of daily living easier.
2. Ideal Body Weight is More likely Reached
Yoga is unlikely to burn lots of calories like an aerobic type workout, but it has a unique way of restoring balance in the body, therefore, normalizing body weight. Yoga along with a higher aerobic workout like briskly walking, biking or a other high energy exercises work well together to foster weight reduction and stabilization. When the body is more balanced and not in the constant "fight or flight response" we are more likely to want to eat less and to not eat to satisfy our emotions. Stress makes unnecessary weight cling to the body. Yoga smooths the panic or mania with a retraining of the brain to feel more satisfied with less.
Yoga is unlikely to burn lots of calories like an aerobic type workout, but it has a unique way of restoring balance in the body, therefore, normalizing body weight. Yoga along with a higher aerobic workout like briskly walking, biking or a other high energy exercises work well together to foster weight reduction and stabilization. When the body is more balanced and not in the constant "fight or flight response" we are more likely to want to eat less and to not eat to satisfy our emotions. Stress makes unnecessary weight cling to the body. Yoga smooths the panic or mania with a retraining of the brain to feel more satisfied with less.
3. Yoga is a Gift of Pain Relief
Regardless of the source of pain, yoga decreases it. The fluidity of movement in yoga soothes joints, muscles and all areas that hurt. There are adaptations to poses making yoga possible for everyone. Also the meditation aspect of yoga helps one work with and through the reality of the emotions that ongoing pain brings.
4. The Respiratory System is Opened
4. The Respiratory System is Opened
Pranayama, the breathing exercises part of yoga allows the entire respiratory system to be freed with smoother breathing and greater depth. There is heightened lung capacity increasing the total amount of air your lungs can hold at any one time. Respiratory rate is lowered increasing lifespan.
5. Blood Pressure Comes into Normal Range
Circulation is improved throughout the entire body system. The hypo-reactors in blood pressure is lowered. Hypertension gradually lowers producing normalization of blood pressure. Lowers heart rate and LDL - small particle cholesterol.
6. Mental Health and the Brain is Enhanced
6. Mental Health and the Brain is Enhanced
Yoga frees us mentally improving our psychological health. Overall mood and sense of well-being is heightened, lowers depression, increases motivation, feel more alive and connected to others, decreases negative self-talk and hostility to yourself and others, decreases anxiety, increases confidence, cognitive functioning, memory and the balancing of right-left brain activity and the alpha, theta, and gramma brain waves (electrical brain activity). Yoga also increases the size of the pre-frontal cortex and gray matter within the brain. Gray matter involves muscle control, sensory perception such as seeing, hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, self-control and focus/concentration. Meditation plays a big role here.
7. Yoga Improves Chronic Health Problems and Helps Prevent Degenerative Diseases
Increases lymph flow throughout the system to various parts of the body. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body. Below is a list of other ways yoga helps our bodies stay younger and healthy longer:
Glucose decreases
Sodium decreases
Total cholesterol decreases
Triglycerides decrease
HDL cholesterol increases
LDL cholesterol decreases
VLDL cholesterol decreases
Cholinesterase increases
Catecholamines decrease
Hematocrit increases
Hemoglobin increases
Lymphocyte count increases
Total white blood cell count decreases
Thyroxin increases
Naturally made Vitamin C increases
Sodium decreases
Total cholesterol decreases
Triglycerides decrease
HDL cholesterol increases
LDL cholesterol decreases
VLDL cholesterol decreases
Cholinesterase increases
Catecholamines decrease
Hematocrit increases
Hemoglobin increases
Lymphocyte count increases
Total white blood cell count decreases
Thyroxin increases
Naturally made Vitamin C increases
Total serum protein increases
Oxytocin increases
Prolactin increases
Oxytocin increases
Prolactin increases
8. Yoga Lowers Stress
The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are partners in stabilizing us in situations of stress. They work like the playground see-saw. Just like kids on the see-saw when one goes up the other goes down. As the body responds to stress it comes to full attention with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system attempting to manage the stress. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is the one triggered from sudden alarming moments like when you see a cop and you realize you are speeding then you fear you might get a speeding ticket, other traffic scary moments, an overload of too much to do at work or home, time crunches etc...... Practicing yoga invites the parasympathetic nervous system to come play, too, calming the body with the "relaxation response." Yoga intertwines both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems together in a peaceful flow that the body soaks up and loves. The stress hormones, epinephrine (the body's alarm system) and cortisol (decreases immunity) are decreased. The relaxation hormones, endorphins (natural pain killers) and serotonin (tranquility), melatonin (sleep), dopamine (joy), and oxytocin (bonding) are increased.
9. Where You Go Yoga Goes
The convenience of being able to do yoga anywhere makes it easy. The locations are endless: home, others' home, studios, hotel rooms, beach, park, woods, mountains, airports, rooftops, back or front porch, lakes and many more. Having a mat is best, but not absolutely necessary. Yoga is user friendly.
10. Yoga is Fun and It takes You to the Bliss
What is bliss? Bliss is a state of superior calm. It is a feeling of oneness, a total connectedness of unity with all and yourself, an inner joy, a completeness, a wholeness and an uplifted awareness.
For me and other yoga practitioners, we have experienced and continuing to experience all the wonderful above benefits. Think about it and give it a try !
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