Info from Yogaville’s Physician, Dr. Amrita to help all of us to not get SICK and how to treat illness if we do get sick.
“We don’t catch diseases, we permit them to become active.” - - Ronald Peters, M.D
“You don’t have to be influenzed by the influenza.” - - Swami Satchidananda
HAND WASHING HELPS: Do extra handwashing; if you are in public, cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow crease rather than your hands, to avoid spreading any germs; avoid those who are sick; go home if you are sick, and stay at least six feet away from any visitors
INCREASE YOUR HEART-OPENING YOGA PRACTICE ie: Bhujangasana (cobra), Matsyasana (fish), and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge). These postures stimulate blood flow to the thymus, which helps with the growth of T-cells, one type of the immune system’s fighter white cells.
MEDITATION HELPS: A quick 10-minute meditation can help reduce physical and mental tension. With the body and mind more relaxed, the immune system circulates better and can do more effective repairs.
USE A NETI POT: Since most colds enter through the nose’s mucous membranes, the neti pot helps wash viruses away, before they have a chance to make you ill. HOW TO VIDEO link:
MOVE YOUR BODY: Keeping your body physically active, exercising to the point where you sweat, at least 30 minutes a day, helps the circulation of white cells - - so they will patrol your blood stream and destroy harmful germs before they become extra-harmful. Try fast walking, dancing, running, biking, swimming, roller or ice skating. Make sure not to over-exert, however, because that lowers immune resistance.
HAVE FUN: Make plans for fun. Even looking forward to something fun has been shown to boost immunity for three days ahead of time. If you can, avoid stressful situations; if you can’t get out of them, develop an inner bubble of calm to deal with any challenge. Stress weakens immunity, happiness strengthens it.
LAUGH: It’s no joke. It really does increase immunity, white cells become more numerous and more active; antibodies to fight infection are increased. Even fake laughter works.
Do Service: Altruists boost their immunity, and help others boost theirs too. Both giving and receiving massage (once you have washed your hands) activates the immune system, so schedule time for both.
STAY OPTIMISTIC: An optimistic attitude activates immunity: music, colors, and art that uplifts you changes your physiology in a positive direction. Give yourself happy self-talk, and happy talk with others.
EAT A BALANCED DIET: Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and do your best to avoid or limit your intake of sugar and caffeine. Even one tablespoon of sugar (any kind except stevia) causes your white cells to be less active. This lasts for hours after you eat that cake or cookie - -choose fresh fruit instead. Also avoid fruit juices and dried fruit - - which raise blood sugar levels even in non-diabetics. When the blood sugar is above normal, your white cells are less active to fight infection.. Use whole fresh fruit instead.
AVOID CAFFEINE AND OTHER DRUGS: Caffeine temporarily boosts energy by a drug effect, but ends up leaving you more tired and vulnerable - - do yoga breathing exercises instead. Even green tea and de-caf will have a negative drug effect - - use ginger tea, ginseng tea, or red tea chai instead.
FAST ONE DAY A WEEK: This has been shown to boost immunity by diverting your energy from digestion to repair work. (Also reduces risk of heart attack and cancer by 50%). Depending on how active you need to be, fast on water with cayenne and lemon (no maple syrup), diluted fresh fruit or vegetable juices, whole fruits, or soup.
Get enough Sleep: Less than 7 hours per night has been shown to lower immunity.
STAY WARM: Colds and flu are more common in winter for three principle of reasons. First, the viruses which cause them are more easily killed by the heat of summer. Second, exposure to a higher number of germs takes place in winter’s close quarters and less well-ventilated rooms. Thirdly, research has shown that getting chilly, especially if your feet feel cold, does increase risk for catching a cold or flu. Warm hats, gloves, and scarves can help, but the most important thing is warm and dry socks and boots.
TAKE A SAUNA STEAM BATH at least once a week: Not only does this increase circulation of your disease-fighting white cells, but increases their numbers and potency. (Also cuts risk for heart attacks and cancer by 50%)
ENJOY GARLIC BREATH: Chewing 1-2 cloves of raw garlic per day boosts immunity. If raw is a too much for you, try the cooked or baked variety, or take the capsules or deodorized pills, 1-3 per day.
USE AROMATHERAPY: You can combine four drops each of lavender, eucalyptus, and bergamot essential oils in a glass spray bottle. Fill the remainder of the bottle with water and shake well. Spritz the air around you 4-5 times every couple of hours. These essential oils kill bacteria, viruses, and yeasts.
AYURVEDA SUPPLEMENTS WORK: Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), up to 1,000mg 2x daily after meals, helps the body cope with stress. Turmeric, 1,000mc 3x daily, is great for its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
EAT CERTAIN MUSHROOMS: Shiitake, maitake, oyster, chaga, and reishi mushrooms (either dried or fresh) help super-charge your immune system. Add them to soups or sauté them. Mushrooms also come in supplement form, and are also beneficial.
TAKE VITAMIN C with Rose Hips and Zinc: Recent research has shown Vitamin C does prevent colds; take 1,000 mg 2-3 times daily. Zinc, 50 mg daily, boosts immune function. TREATMENT
STOP WORKING: If you feel yourself developing a sore throat, runny nose, fever, or muscle aches and pains, stop working and attend to your health until these symptoms are gone.
GARGLE WITH SALT WATER: Do this every 10-15 minutes, until the throat stops being sore. Salt disrupts the membranes of invading bacteria and viruses, while not harming healthy tissue. Use organic sea salt.
CHEW FRESH GARLIC: This helps immediately eliminate the pain of a sore throat, due to the sulfur content of the fumes, and the immune boost of
EAT LEMONS AND CHEW PEEL: Substances in lemon, especially the peel, have potent anti-viral activity.
TAKE PLENTY OF FLUIDS: This will help your immune system circulate its white cells, and make up for any fluid loss associated with fever.
PILE ON THE BLANKETS: Make yourself sweat by increasing room temperature and crawling under a bunch of comforters. Germs that give us disease live comfortably at 98.6, the body’s normal temperature. A fever, we now know, is the body’s effort to create conditions that make these bacteria or viruses more vulnerable, as well as to speed up blood supply so that more white cells can attack.
FAST UNTIL YOU FEEL BETTER: The old adage, “Starve a fever, feed a cold” is the result of a distortion by history. The original proverb was: “If you feed a cold, then you’ll have to starve the fever.” So the original message back then was, starve both. Time played the game “Telephone” with this proverb, making it into an untruth. Starving both makes physiologic sense, since bacteria and viruses are more vulnerable to food deprivation than the body’s cells, and if the body does not have to send blood to digestion, it can focus its resources on fighting the infection. Use hot water with lemon and cayenne, ginger tea, or garlicky tomato soup. Do not drink any sweet fruit juices; orange, grapefruit, or lemon juices are acceptable. Do not fast for more than a few days unless you check with your doctor.
DO A STEAM TREATMENT : Take a pot of water, put a lid on it and boil. Take it off the burner, place a towel over your head and the pot, and inhale the steam for 20 minutes. You can add some drops of eucalyptus or lavender essential oil, which directly kill offending bacteria and viruses
TAKE VITAMIN C with Rose Hips and Zinc: Boost the amount to 2, 000 mg three times daily. Take zinc 50 mg daily, which has been documented to cut the length of time of a cold in half.
TAKE HERBS: Echinacea does work: hundreds of studies have shown that it increases numbers and activity of white cells. Take two droppers or three capsules, four times daily. Astragalus is an herb also shown to boost immunity; take two droppers twice daily.
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