It’s a Shadow Healing Focus & Action Steps w/
Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit
So let’s go.
THIS BEGINS WITH identifying your shadows or the subconscious disowned parts of yourself that are actually running the show of your life. There is some data that shows that 95% of your life is run by your unconscious mind. That means you can want things like the best physical body, you can want the love, you can want the money, the business, but you're gonna keep hitting a proverbial wall, because it's your subconscious wounds that run the show.
What is shadow work?
Shadow Work is Working with our unconscious mind to uncover the parts of ourselves that we do not realize we are repressing and hiding from ourselves. This can include trauma or parts of our personality that we subconsciously consider undesirable.
How does shadow work work?
Shadow work is a type of inner clarity that focuses on the “shadow self,” which is the parts of the innermost self that people may not be in touch with or often keep hidden, such as trauma, resentment or shame. It could be hard to pinpoint these darker aspects of our personality or darker unhealthy habits or mannerisms
The first step to shadow work is spotting the
illusive inner shadow.
Your shadow self is the unconscious or disowned part of you that remains in the dark because you don't want to confront or see it. And although the shadow seems pretty hidden, it can actually wreak havoc in your life, because it can show up when you least expect it.
Have you ever encountered someone who's sweet and gentle in one moment and then suddenly they turn into a lunatic person right in front of you ?
This happens because their shadow is huge and it takes over when the person is triggered.
So if the shadow self is hidden, how do you spot it in yourself before it strikes out in harm? You sense into, look π into, feel into your emotional triggers because your shadow self is very emotional. For example, let's say a part of your shadow is a feeling of unworthiness, but you don't really realize it. You feel you really love yourself. Then one day you get into a relationship. When your guy, gal, significant other talks to an attractive person, you find yourself exploding with jealousy. If you intervene with the jealous feeling before you loose it, you can clearly see that the jealousy is coming from the shadow part of you that feels unworthy that links to your fear of abandonment or everyone leaving you. YOUR shadow self IS the unconscious or disconnected, disowned part of you.
It is essentially REWIRING, DE-programming then REPROGRAMMING our personal internal narrative that has trapped us often without us even realizing it’s impact.
This connects you to some of your childhood experiences & possible wounds. Like:
*fear of abandonment *inability to trust *avoidance of intimacy *disassociation & numbing yourself to realities *avoidance of your true feelings
To do this, start by spotting habits you may have. Habits can be good, but they can also be not so good or really bad.
Here is a thought and writing prompt:
What patterns do I tend to replicate repetitively in my life that I feel are holding me back?
Step #1 ~ identify it, you're going to think of something that's holding you back. These could be about your childhood. These could be about fear of failure, getting fired from a job, a betrayal from someone
Step #2 ~ invite it in to have a conversation, picture that old version of you struggling with that
Step #3, talk to it. You're going to engage in a dialogue with that old past self struggling with that situation or thing. You might ask some questions like - Why are you doing this? Why do you believe this?
Step #4 is to acknowledge it. You're going to just TRULY listen empathetically to that part of you. Sense, feel, hear, see, smell etc..
Step #5 - you're going to integrate this & give that past self everything it didn't get but needed in that moment. Like: Love, support, encouragement, positive reframing ~ different ways of looking at it & giving the old version of yourself all the helpful resources that you are discovering you needed
Embrace Your Shadows & LIVE FULLY without limitations. π«

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