Friday, August 30, 2024

Mass Awakening πŸŒ…You're not going crazy. Your perception of your environment isn't off

I am seeing Myself and other people are seeing me in a different light. It’s quite interesting to be perceiving myself in a different light and the world around me. I’m seeing so clearly now that it was never me it was always the energetic frequencies that surrounded me. It’s a deep form of psychological manipulation and gaslighting that some people maybe even narcissists will use to try and control others. I have been the subject of deep forms of mind control and at the time I didn't even realize it. This is really for anybody because what we're learning now is that this “mass awakening” has affected a lot of us in a type of a living nightmare. We just thought that this is how life was supposed to be. We didn't think that there was anything else or anything better. We just figured that Oh, well. That's our life situation. This is the path that we have. However,  now we're understanding that this is definitely not the case at all. Many of us have been in a place of spiritual bondage that we didn't realize.  It’s quite creepy when one sees that someone was doing this whether intentionally or subconsciously. With the above and below veil thinning, there is obviously karmic retribution in action for some for what we have been put through. It’s being shown to us that this was all a part of our path, our mission. 

I’m being shown that for me I am here to expose these individuals whatever the situation is. It seems to me many are understanding this now. It’s like we all were sent in undercover from the Father Mother Divine to expose these demons. It’s as if there's certain phases that we grow into and through. 

As we progress, we disconnect from these energies then we move on to a new territory. Here, we go through upgrades and healing. All of the spiritual bondage is then removed from us. This can take time depending on what it is we have dealt with. The timing on this varies within six months to years.  It really just depends on how deep it was, and how willing we are to put in the work towards our healing in the here and now. It comes down to each person’s choice of how much willingness there is in doing positive action steps of healing. Some people are finally in a better position to actually be able to put together some sort of solid plan for their future. The light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter🌟 than ever before. We’re seeing clearer everything that's happened to us up until now. Everything is starting to make enough sense to where we can see, feel, know, love and enjoy. It’s an uplifting boost pushing us forward on our path. 

At times it may even feel like we’ve got the world in the palm of our hand, but the tricky rollercoastering life path of uncertainties adds detours. These tricksters come across charismatic or very powerful often in a very good looking male or female; take it as it fits. Like the devil in a blue dress πŸ‘— kinda way…

Caution is necessary as we proceed here  These lower polarity earthly living beings have a dark arts magic sometimes in how they are able to “hook, line & sinker” people so cleverly. On the spiritual plane they are more obvious, but on the earthly plane their true colors may or may not stick out. They are however, shown as a mega bully or a drooling, slithering kind of evil snake, troll or maybe a bot πŸ€–. 

I've gotten to a higher discernible level now, where I can spot certain individuals wearing masks 🎭 . There are people that have disguised identities that have taken a lot from us. Some have stolen our passion for life along with that, our optimism in many areas.  I feel that these individuals, whoever they are have been trying to steal our vibrant energy 🌈.  There's something on our path that's very extraordinary. Some of us may have some hint of what this might be. Some of us may not know yet, and some of us are already working inside of this space. Once we start to understand that there's something greater for us out there, allow our faith to connect to CREATION God, the DIVINE, we can move on in a healed energy ready to receive clarity for our journey.  We are in different stages of learning how the energetic universe works. The awareness of who is own our best interest team or the opposing team emerges. We can see this all around us. This awareness of reality can be tough to see and accept. We don't want to think that family members, friends and neighbors are actually our opposing team and enemy that has been sent on our path to challenge us to grow or even hold us back from our greatness. These are people that the underworld of lower polarity will use. These individuals often make themselves a willing host for possession by the way they live their life and by the way they treat others. Our behavior determines our vibration. If we are living a life that's out of alignment with the divine as well as not our true nature essence life, then our vibration is going to become very low. Here we are going to make an opening environmentally for the evil enemy type to take over. 

We gain strength in looking at things from a higher perspective. It’s about vibration and behavioral patterns that’s being exposed worldwide. We can see who's who, we can see the demons and we can see the angels, period. Our awareness of this and our trust in the Creation God divine is being exposed to us. This Truth is going to be crucial to our path moving forward. There seems to be an energy here that I'm picking up on where some of us out there are having a hard time accepting what's been exposed to us. It's almost as if we would rather accept that maybe our perception is off or maybe there's something off with us.  Humm 🧐, no, seek clarity in true inner standing with heart centered intuition, intellect & common sense πŸ™πŸ»

Free Your Mind & the Rest Will Follow

Love Joy Peace & Shine,


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