Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 My Life Celebrates the Glory of God 

Bliss fills my world  with joy when I attune my senses to it. I hear it in the birds that sing. I hear it in the wind chimes that creates a tune as the wind gently blows.  I hear it in the early spring frogs croaking as they hang out in the water and rocks under the three tier fountain inside my front circle drive. I see it in the sunrises and sunsets.  I see it in the beauty of the forest all around me.  I see it in the eyes of my granddaughter, Sadie as we discover something new on our adventures together.  I feel glory in the depths of my soul during these moments when I understand and make the connection that my life is God's life, living in me.  God is in me.  I am in God.  God and I join together.  God and I are one.  With the intertwining of God and I, there is no place where my human self ends and the divine presence in me begins.  I welcome God's glory to shine through me each and every day with the divine presence of the Christ Consciousness of love, joy, peace, hope and compassion in ALL that I do and say.  I connect and align myself with a loving heart, an insightful mind and healthy body. 

I know as I continue on this path enjoying God’s divine presence even in challenging rocky times, this sweet loving guiding presence is always alongside of me. I know the Divine goes ahead of me, opening the way ahead of me. I know trusting and living close to this truth and awareness fuels the journey ahead with greatness beyond my imagination. 

What is it that I need to know today?

Please show me.  

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