Friday, August 30, 2024

Mass Awakening ๐ŸŒ…You're not going crazy. Your perception of your environment isn't off

I am seeing Myself and other people are seeing me in a different light. It’s quite interesting to be perceiving myself in a different light and the world around me. I’m seeing so clearly now that it was never me it was always the energetic frequencies that surrounded me. It’s a deep form of psychological manipulation and gaslighting that some people maybe even narcissists will use to try and control others. I have been the subject of deep forms of mind control and at the time I didn't even realize it. This is really for anybody because what we're learning now is that this “mass awakening” has affected a lot of us in a type of a living nightmare. We just thought that this is how life was supposed to be. We didn't think that there was anything else or anything better. We just figured that Oh, well. That's our life situation. This is the path that we have. However,  now we're understanding that this is definitely not the case at all. Many of us have been in a place of spiritual bondage that we didn't realize.  It’s quite creepy when one sees that someone was doing this whether intentionally or subconsciously. With the above and below veil thinning, there is obviously karmic retribution in action for some for what we have been put through. It’s being shown to us that this was all a part of our path, our mission. 

I’m being shown that for me I am here to expose these individuals whatever the situation is. It seems to me many are understanding this now. It’s like we all were sent in undercover from the Father Mother Divine to expose these demons. It’s as if there's certain phases that we grow into and through. 

As we progress, we disconnect from these energies then we move on to a new territory. Here, we go through upgrades and healing. All of the spiritual bondage is then removed from us. This can take time depending on what it is we have dealt with. The timing on this varies within six months to years.  It really just depends on how deep it was, and how willing we are to put in the work towards our healing in the here and now. It comes down to each person’s choice of how much willingness there is in doing positive action steps of healing. Some people are finally in a better position to actually be able to put together some sort of solid plan for their future. The light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter๐ŸŒŸ than ever before. We’re seeing clearer everything that's happened to us up until now. Everything is starting to make enough sense to where we can see, feel, know, love and enjoy. It’s an uplifting boost pushing us forward on our path. 

At times it may even feel like we’ve got the world in the palm of our hand, but the tricky rollercoastering life path of uncertainties adds detours. These tricksters come across charismatic or very powerful often in a very good looking male or female; take it as it fits. Like the devil in a blue dress ๐Ÿ‘— kinda way…

Caution is necessary as we proceed here  These lower polarity earthly living beings have a dark arts magic sometimes in how they are able to “hook, line & sinker” people so cleverly. On the spiritual plane they are more obvious, but on the earthly plane their true colors may or may not stick out. They are however, shown as a mega bully or a drooling, slithering kind of evil snake, troll or maybe a bot ๐Ÿค–. 

I've gotten to a higher discernible level now, where I can spot certain individuals wearing masks ๐ŸŽญ . There are people that have disguised identities that have taken a lot from us. Some have stolen our passion for life along with that, our optimism in many areas.  I feel that these individuals, whoever they are have been trying to steal our vibrant energy ๐ŸŒˆ.  There's something on our path that's very extraordinary. Some of us may have some hint of what this might be. Some of us may not know yet, and some of us are already working inside of this space. Once we start to understand that there's something greater for us out there, allow our faith to connect to CREATION God, the DIVINE, we can move on in a healed energy ready to receive clarity for our journey.  We are in different stages of learning how the energetic universe works. The awareness of who is own our best interest team or the opposing team emerges. We can see this all around us. This awareness of reality can be tough to see and accept. We don't want to think that family members, friends and neighbors are actually our opposing team and enemy that has been sent on our path to challenge us to grow or even hold us back from our greatness. These are people that the underworld of lower polarity will use. These individuals often make themselves a willing host for possession by the way they live their life and by the way they treat others. Our behavior determines our vibration. If we are living a life that's out of alignment with the divine as well as not our true nature essence life, then our vibration is going to become very low. Here we are going to make an opening environmentally for the evil enemy type to take over. 

We gain strength in looking at things from a higher perspective. It’s about vibration and behavioral patterns that’s being exposed worldwide. We can see who's who, we can see the demons and we can see the angels, period. Our awareness of this and our trust in the Creation God divine is being exposed to us. This Truth is going to be crucial to our path moving forward. There seems to be an energy here that I'm picking up on where some of us out there are having a hard time accepting what's been exposed to us. It's almost as if we would rather accept that maybe our perception is off or maybe there's something off with us.  Humm ๐Ÿง, no, seek clarity in true inner standing with heart centered intuition, intellect & common sense ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Free Your Mind & the Rest Will Follow

Love Joy Peace & Shine,


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Poised Ready Confident

Let US Be reminded of our inner guidance by tapping into our child-like sense of wonder embracing our freedom and being in the precious present . Let us move through our days in a dance ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป of grace, wonder and innocence that gifts us with a life filled with great bliss. Let us approach life with a connection to our divinity on a daily basis bringing us closer to our unique essence of who we truly are.

I have been very dedicated and working extremely hard preparing myself for fully stepping into my authentic self. These seeds of growth that I have planted are ready and have been growing into fruition of blossoming into greatness. I’m looking at these places of WOW, so many things have ignited in growth. I’m seeing that all my hard work is starting to come alive right in front of me. It stirs my heart in great celebration.  The message that I’m receiving is I have prepared very well for the journey coming ahead. I can look toward the future readied and exquisitely prepared to go the distance. I’m stronger than I realize with the needed endurance to see all of my passion projects through to completion.  This reminds me of one of the songs that I was guided to embrace daily for a long time now.  ๐ŸŽถ ROSE ๐ŸŒน ~ We are opening to love ๐Ÿ’œ. We are learning how to grow๐Ÿชด. We hear the call ๐Ÿ“ฃ. We are returning. We remember ๐ŸŽฏ. We are like the rose ๐ŸŒน, we are STRONGER THAN WE KNOW  ๐ŸŽถ  Here is a link to the song ๐ŸŽต by Ayla Schafer:

I have been bringing my dreams to life with great focus, diligence and follow through.  To think bigger is what I am being guided to do while not allowing fluctuating every day energies to distract me. I am pointed in the direction of going with the flow of ease, releasing control and surrendering to the love that heals me. In joy and disappointment growth magnifies.  It’s the approach that makes it possible to be ready for anything that presents itself along my path each day.  I know more of what I’m called to do and need to do. I continue to master the skills I need to sustain me on the next segment of my serendipitous path in life. 

I feel that I am on the precipice of a new phase of a new life beginning.  I am facing this beginning armed with the wisdom and knowledge necessary to push onward, forward and upward with self-loving and double kindness to myself. This next stage of my life is easing in showing me experiencing an even greater growth and an even greater success than I have had in the past. I am confident and happy in my own skin. I choose to take on new relationships and experiences that will accompany me in this new phase that I am gloriously entering into. I humbly accept this and have every reason to be confident because I have everything I need to guarantee my future success. I am so ready to step into my true authentic self’s potential power.  I can take on my written in the stars ๐ŸŒŸ by Creation Father Mother God meaningful future with positive action from a place of certainty and connection. This next new phase of my life is definitely all about my destiny. I can actually feel this incoming brilliant energy of myself moving toward this magnificent revealing! I feel poised and ready to allow this delightful unfolding over this next stage of my life. It’s a fervent focus that’s the priority here.  The length of time necessary is less significant.  The time is fluid no matter how long it takes because I know that I’ve got everything I need to ensure that it happens in the most magically aligned way possible.     Oh my, that's a beautiful thing.

I am embracing more and more every minute of every day as my full self. I am embodying who I am to be and growing beautifully into this precious soul elevation from the spiritual realm into the physical realm on earth.  I rise as a decorated colorful angelic butterfly with unique pixie wings๐Ÿงš๐Ÿป‍♀️ that take me wherever I am to go. I have no fear. Fear is only in the mind. I have released ALL fear and continue to face future possible fears with bold lioness energy readied and prepared to release them immediately.  My inner-knowing divinity, faith and connection to the universe daily unfolds a lucious golden frequency serendipitous bright light way that illuminates my child-like wonder, grace, wisdom, the present moment and true sovereignty freedom. 



Sunday, January 7, 2024

Fiery Feminine Light Birthed From Pain & Sorrow

 “Here is a truth you often don’t hear: 

Traumatized women have the potential to become the most powerful people in this world. 

The most asleep members of society call this type of woman “flawed.” 

In realty, she is the most powerful type of woman there is.

What they forget is that survivors have the most magical advantage of all: perseverance. 

Perseverance can be defined as the unwavering commitment & effort to continue on the path of spiritual evolution, regardless of the difficulties encountered along the way. It is the driving force that propels individuals to persist in their spiritual practice, even when faced with setbacks or hardships.

Some opposing malevolent force may try and try again to knock her down, but it can never bring down a benevolent lady determined to survive & thrive.

Don’t fool yourself. You could never defeat her. You never will.

When someone tells her, “You can’t do it,” she says, “Watch me.”

She is fiery light birthed out of immense pain and darkness.

She owns her shadows and effortlessly flows them into remarkable extraordinary unique gifts that ignites her ultimate sovereignty, freedom, creativity, imagination and independence. 

In her life, living nightmares exploded in high definition. She was given every logical reason to give up and to never believe in herself or anyone. However, there is an innate alchemy in the ways in which she nourishes a faith in herself to manifest the dreams her soul was meant to bring forth.

Against all odds, she rises like the self-regenerating  Phoenix bird in rebirth, renewal & transformation. The fiery feminine light in its highest elevation symbolizes the ability to overcome adversity emerging stronger, more resilient resurrecting from within the ashes.

She continues to survive and thrive.

The fiery feminine energy is capable of immense manifestation because of the traumas she has gone through. There is nothing more 

greater courageously driven than a 

cognitively intuitive noble woman constantly been told what she cannot do throughout her lifetime.

There is nothing more determined to succeed than someone that has nothing left to lose.

The hardships experienced along her journey, she cleverly navigates with her deep knowing in an inner dialogue with God Source, the Consciousness not seen with the naked eye. It’s unfortunate that people are not guided to utilize this natural capacity to travel their human experience.   

Well now, this is an open door to the ability to read between the lines and find all the truth that was missing. This wisdom portal is far greater than what is available in the limiting beliefs of human experiences.  

Feminine energy encompasses the mystical power to transmit wounds into healing for her personal greatest & highest good as well as for the collective consciousness.

Healing Seeds of success are sowed, nurtured and tended to daily. Every incoming arrow  meant for harm is a stepping stone to the foundation of the lovely harmonizing of her inner soul & the souls around her.  Action step by action step, she lassos the negativity, transmutes it into positivity then sends this golden vibrational frequency out into the universe. ๐Ÿ’ซ

Even though the unawakened sling hatred, greed, envy toward her, she can’t be knocked down for long. She gets knocked down, gets up again naturally resurrecting herself. 

You’re never gonna keep her down. 

From here, transformations erupt from within her & around her creating new worlds externally and internally in the collective souls’ consciousness of all life beings. 

The voice expression of a freed silenced throat chakra releases a sound wave frequency 

of love superpowers embodied in the thriving survivor 


that universally vibrates externally so others hear & absorb. This feminine energy voice is of many lifetimes lived. It’s the voice of pure love, joy, peace, hope, compassion, truth & justice wrapped in heartfelt universal agape love longed to be heard & felt.  It’s a golden frequency that soothes souls that are searching & ready. 

Her fervent will & divinely guided actions set caged souls free.

With infinite loving kindness,


Here is a link to a recording of the recent 
Heart Opening ♥️Cacao Ceremony 
on Greater Courageous Driven Network 

GCD Network - 

Greater Courageous Driven NETWORK giving a voice to the voiceless through uncensored shows and guided action

 LIVE ~ The Lisa Bhakti Show ~ Thursday’s at 6:30pm Eastern

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Shadow Work ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ•Š

Shadow Work

Healing ourselves deeper from within. 
We are moving into really being 
open and honest with ourselves. 

It’s a Shadow Healing Focus & Action Steps w/

Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit

So let’s go. 

THIS BEGINS WITH identifying your shadows or the subconscious disowned parts of yourself that are actually running the show of your life. There is some data that shows that 95% of your life is run by your unconscious mind. That means you can want things like the best physical body, you can want the love, you can want the money, the business, but you're gonna keep hitting a proverbial wall, because it's your subconscious wounds that run the show. 

What is shadow work?

 Shadow Work is  Working with our unconscious mind to uncover the parts of ourselves that we do not realize we are repressing and hiding from ourselves. This can include trauma or parts of our personality that we subconsciously consider undesirable.

 How  does shadow work work?

Shadow work is a type of inner clarity that focuses on the “shadow self,” which is the parts of the innermost self that people may not be in touch with or often keep hidden, such as trauma, resentment or shame. It could be hard to pinpoint these darker aspects of our personality or darker unhealthy habits or mannerisms  

The first step to shadow work is spotting the

illusive inner shadow.

Your shadow self is the unconscious or disowned part of you that remains in the dark because you don't want to confront or see it. And although the shadow seems pretty hidden, it can actually wreak havoc in your life, because it can show up when you least expect it. 

Have you ever encountered someone who's sweet and gentle in one moment and then suddenly they turn into a lunatic person right in front of you ? 

This happens because their shadow is huge and it takes over when the person is triggered. 

So if the shadow self is hidden, how do you spot it in yourself before it strikes out in harm?  You sense into, look ๐Ÿ‘€ into, feel into your emotional triggers because your shadow self is very emotional. For example, let's say a part of your shadow is a feeling of unworthiness, but you don't really realize it. You feel you really love yourself. Then one day you get into a relationship. When your guy, gal, significant other talks to an attractive person, you find yourself exploding with jealousy. If you intervene with the jealous feeling before you loose it, you can clearly see that the jealousy is coming from the shadow part of you that feels unworthy that links to your fear of abandonment or everyone leaving you. YOUR shadow self IS the unconscious or disconnected, disowned part of you.

It is essentially REWIRING, DE-programming then REPROGRAMMING our personal internal narrative that has trapped us often without us even realizing it’s impact. 

This connects you to some of your childhood experiences & possible wounds. Like: 

*fear of abandonment     *inability to trust                                                   *avoidance of intimacy                                                           *disassociation & numbing yourself to realities                                                  *avoidance of your true feelings                        

To do this, start by spotting habits you may have. Habits can be good, but they can also be not so good or really bad. 

Here is a thought and writing prompt: 

What patterns do I tend to replicate repetitively in my life that I feel are holding me back?

Step #1 ~ identify it, you're going to think of something that's holding you back. These could be about your childhood. These could be about fear of failure, getting fired from a job, a betrayal from someone

Step #2 ~  invite it in to have a conversation, picture that old version of you struggling with that 

Step #3, talk to it. You're going to engage in a dialogue with that old past self struggling with that situation or thing. You might ask some questions like -                                                                               Why are you doing this?     Why do you believe this? 

Step #4  is to acknowledge it. You're going to just TRULY listen empathetically to that part of you. Sense, feel, hear, see, smell etc..

Step #5 - you're going to integrate this &  give that past self everything it didn't get but needed in that moment. Like: Love, support, encouragement, positive reframing ~ different ways of looking at it & giving the old version of yourself all the helpful resources that you are discovering you needed

Embrace Your Shadows & LIVE FULLY without limitations. ๐Ÿ’ซ


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Venus in Leo 

7/22/2023 ~ 9/4/2023

Divine Feminine 

Venus stays in Leo until October. This is the rising of Solar Goddess. We all hold feminine energy w/in, especially for women; it’s a potent time of self-love. Sadly, many women were programmed from birth to NOT love themselves. So a shout out to all wisdom seeking men, please love and support the women in your lives encouraging them to embrace their true selves and love themselves. ๐Ÿฆ‹

Dear Gentlemen and Ladies, 

We are resurrecting lost parts of us that have been waiting in the wings, hiding, but are now ready to SHINE. The fiery energy is bringing light into darkness. Venus is shining light of Self that we have previously shut down, hidden, ignored, suppressed, simply never knew there! Venus is our creative energy who loves herself/himself & shares love w/others. Venus is beauty, a magic maker, our heart’s creative expression. Focus on self-love for the next 2 months, share uniqueness of your true essence and take the spotlight ☀️๐Ÿ”ฆ⌛️

๐ŸŒŸSpiritual Intuitive Guidance w/Puppy๐Ÿ•Dog๐ŸฉDivination cards

The Empress ๐Ÿ‘‘

Look at this beautiful reclining collie regally in the grass. See the abundant beauty all around her. A cascading waterfall into a stream with a rose bush, symbolic of love graces the backdrop of this scene. Two collie puppies are playing joyfully secure in the nurturing presence of the The Empress. The radiant warm sunshine on her silky hair, reflecting a magical mystical glow that enhances the calm grace and beauty within her. The luminosity glow of the Divine Feminine is all about her. To her left sits her queenly bowl with primitive spirals and the symbol of Venus. Her neck adorns a jeweled collar of emeralds, garnet and gold encased in the form of a pomegranate; a symbol of abundance, wealth and fertility.

What is she telling us as we gaze into her loving sparkling eyes?

We as a collective and individuals are being called to move past the yucky parts of existence on earth and to see, connect to and embrace the beauty and loving care that exists to make our lives better. The feminine side of each of us, males and females has been suppressed and dumb-downed, devalued. We are being called to usher in with a new fresh welcome this loving nurturing TRUTH that has always existed inside of us by the design of our Prime Creator. This gift that we all have raises our vibrations and opens the way to abundance in all categories of life. Recognizing and Enjoying the simple pleasures of life brings more of the same.

A stroll in the forest to a clearing of grass, the flavor of your treasured food and the yumminess of the heartfelt feelings of your loved ones, all nurture your spirit.

Our world is all topsy-turvy in the awakening of soul’s out of their sleepy unconscious state into a new earthly world of conscious into the awareness of truth knowledge and bliss. The Empress calls us to let these precious souls make their own individual journeys to understanding this crazy HIDDEN SILENT PSYOP with daily actions to ignite attention and change Do IT’s intended REPROGRAMMING

We can assist with loving these souls, however, the nurturing and protective nature of the strong feminine energy does not allow herself or HER CHILDREN to be walked all over. We are called to stand in our sovereign power to ignite change in our close interpersonal world and in our collective world. 

This feminine energy has nothing to do with gender and is more about an energy invoked to CREATE BALANCE. This means tapping into our intuition, being more receptive, going with the flow and getting creative. We are being guided from GREAT SPIRIT to be the embodiment of the growth of the natural world, fertility and what comes ALIVE in our heart. What makes your heart sing๐ŸŽถ? DO THAT‼️ 

This first energy will guide you what your role is to be the change that makes the difference in the world, being the sacred focused vessel Prime Creator has always ordained for you to do. The Empress guides us to ensure our personal kingdoms inside our spirit, our bodies, our minds and our home sanctuary are well cared for.

This strongly connects to the rising of truth of the sexual and human trafficking of children, women and men for horrific nefarious purposes. I think there is a strong connection to the feminine energy rising up to stop the abuse of the world’s children, God’s precious gifts to us all. I see this as a clear connection to the release of the SOUND of FREEDOM movie about the trafficking of children trade for adrenochrome, satanic ritual abuse practices and the sicko scumbags that have done this and still are doing this. This is no conspiracy theory that the mainstream movie has been suppressing and downright denying. It’s REAL and we, each human being MUST RISE UP with actions to make it massive public knowledge of the TRUTH.

Ace of Fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The Ace of Fire confirms this TRUTH with a flaming torch of affirmation.

The desert landscape of waffling sand hold this wand of enthusiastic time to act NOW‼️ This flame of inspiration holds within it the new beginnings for each of us and the NEW EARTH near and far we can potentially create. The sands of time are always moving. We are called to look past the desolate and empty parts to fulfill our unique potential, to take a spark of action to a huge blaze leading up to our BEST HIGHEST SELF.  Utilize this exciting, new, inspiring energy to get your creative juices a๐Ÿ”ฅblazing.

Nine of Sea ๐ŸŒŠ

The Nine of Sea offers a thatch roof hut by the sea. Do you feel the ocean breeze and smell the salty air with dampness on your skin? A blissful wet sea dog happily rests with his recent nine fat fish hanging in the wind and his favorite in his paws while shaking the water droplets from his tail. Joyful satisfaction spreads across his smiling face as he knows his heartfelt goals have been accomplished and his desires have been fulfilled. It’s a time of wish fulfillment, your dreams have come true. Look around at all that you have accomplished and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 
What else do you wish for? Now is the time to go for it. The universe is conspiring to assist you in your hearts desire. Contentment, peace, comfort and pure pleasure are the current swirling energies. Revel in your abundance with gratitude and more rewards will follow.

Ace of Earth ๐ŸŒ

The Ace of Earth gives us a solid YES this is happening and there’s more to come. There’s new earthly endeavors that are forming and YOU dear one get to co-create with Father Mother God. You get to flow and dance ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป these new possibilities into existence. This oak post is firmly driven into the earth as a sign post of you are ready and in reach to bring to life that idea that’s been brewing in your heart and mind. Behind the post is an opening of possibilities. The shield has been created from the natural gifts of the earth, adorned with gemstones and a green paw print of your pack ancestral soul group is with you. This is time to begin and step through this earthly portal of lush green fields and forests full of life. The message here for us is to embrace this potential prosperity and abundance. Sweet earthy gifts are ahead for us: luxury, renewed physical wellness, financial gain and new opportunities to build tangible creature comforts in our life. Our lives are fertile with the law of attraction and manifesting magical gifts. Level up your growth and 

๐ŸŒฟBe sure to always be grateful, humble & ready to share your earthly bounty๐ŸŒฟ

With love & kindness always


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Divine Guidance of Pure Love & Light - Embracing a New Life, a New Transformation, a Level Up๐ŸŒน


All right, let's see Holy Spirit show me Divine Guidance of pure love and light; important messages for me to receive for my highest good and well being๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Bottom of the deck there is AWAKE THE NIGHT ~ there is definitely an opportunity coming in for you, Lisa. There's something awakening within you. So there's an ending and a new beginning. It’s very clear here that you manifested this. It is like this calling at you as in a calling out of your heart here. And so with SUMMON the REAPER you're saying goodbye to the old. YOU are embracing a new life, a new transformation. A level up with needed changes and sacrifices. There's decisions that you're going to have to make, but as long as you FOLLOW YOUR ❤️HEART and YOUR ⚔️ TRUTH, your NorthStar๐ŸŒŸ, you're going to be fine. It is clear that you're willing to cut off that which no longer serves you for your best highest self. Yes, there's something about family lineage, okay, repeating patterns from the past. All of that needs to be cut off and you are the one that is cutting all the bondage cords, not only from you but your family lineage that needs to be eradicated. You are the one that is breaking the ancestral curses here. You're bringing in something better. And so you're being courageous enough to believe in yourself. Now is the time to move on in life in a way that is honorable to you in a way that is changing. This is life changing. It is changing your life and many people's lives as well. Okay. So there's something here that is a bit mysterious. There's something here that aligns with you when it comes to the night. Okay? You're receiving answers. You're receiving some sort of enlightenment, you're receiving dreams and again, it is like you get to the night. Then, Alright, there is this feeling like while people sleep… You focus on your mastery. It's like you don't have time for games. You put in the work. You know when to make a move or step back. You've been treated unfairly. You are very unique. This unique quality about you is very valuable and beautiful. Please embrace your authentic beauty here. Okay. You're standing true to who you are. It’s very clear that you're not playing any games. You are cutting off people, situations, and mindsets of disbelief. The karmic ties you're cutting off, all of that because you are understanding your assignment, your truths, your purpose and mission. Know that you are divinely guided here and protected. You are CREATING your OWN MAGIC and you're very INTUITIVE. So follow that heart of yours. Okay now, be sure to follow your intuitive wisdom. It is guiding you showing you your path so you have to take actions forward. Things will be healed. Things will be illuminated for you okay, Lisa. There's whiskey wisdom here; you have innate divinely connected intuition, intelligence and years of life experience. There is a lot of wisdom that you embrace within you and it's awakening inside of you.

This is beautiful and the SIX of CUPS, 10 of WANDS in reverse. Along with QUEEN of CUPS, THREE of WANDS, EIGHT of PENTACLES. 

Oh yeah, you making big changes here. Okay Lisa. Clarity is coming to you and a lot of success in this new life. Okay. So expect a lot of clarity. A lot of understanding… Keep doing something here that is meaningful to you. That is purposeful to you. You have a passion for this. You are called to do this. You were born to do what you're being attracted to. Okay. And with this QUEEN of CUPS, she, YOU are the healer. She is YOU; the humanitarian, the caregiver, the nurturer and so whatever you nurture here and you trust in and you give your all it will manifest beautifully. 

LISA, you're standing in a new life of beautiful power, of power that allows you to give back to humanity in a beautiful, healing loving way. So follow your passions follow what you LOVE. It’s clearly your LOVE of DANCE that has action steps that’s healing YOU and OTHERS. Do it everyday and keep up your creative juices flowing here indefinitely.

You see more of a trend where people are leaving their jobs, those traditional nine to five hours and doing their own thing. No, it's definitely bigger than that because that's where you need to be. You are very driven because of your dedication. Again, you're being playful with this. It's like it's something you enjoy, it doesn't even feel like work. It is something that comes naturally to you. You feel it, you know it, okay, you sense it. And so by you putting the actual effort in you creating it, building it, doing what you need to do, doing your part, you're having fun with it. So, if you build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. If you build it, they will come. This pleases you. This allows you to embrace your inner child to have fun to be playful and create. So with this creativity, again, you're creating your own magic here. So is a very loving, playful, sweet, happy, harmonious energy, a lot of emotional fulfillment, a lot of passion and desire here. 

And so there's someone coming into your life from your past lifetimes that is a great partnership for you. Someone that sees YOU and connects with you. They have a lot of respect for you, admire you and want to move on with you in life. You're awakening to your past. Again, your past wisdom. There's something here that you are figuring out. And so that's going to give you an advantage here moving on. You're releasing the burdens with the 10 of Wands in reverse. Again, keep cutting off, what does not serve you. You're focusing on a sweeter life a better life. A life that is in alignment with TRUTH and HONESTY. Something that is pure, stable and solid. So you're focusing on your money, your skills, study, whatever it is that you're studying that you want to perfect because you're gonna really succeed. You're very gifted. You're very good at something so continue to put your energy on what is of importance here. So you can master it, okay. Yeah, Higher knowledge, education. A great adventure. A new different project, but you are in control here. All right. Your actions are required. 

You also have the moon at the bottom deck, so yeah, THINGS ARE GONNA BE REVEALED. Even though you are going through the unknown, you're really coming out of the end of the unknown. You're finally at the light and you see some promises. You see something that is going to elevate you, give you that level up that you've been waiting for. So now that all the challenges that you've gone through are behind you, you are ready for what's to come. So embrace it all. Stay focused, dedicated with consistent discipline. Don't let the mind play tricks on you, don't get distracted by anything else. You are in control here. All right.. So let nothing intimidate you. If you feel fear, GO for it anyway. Face Everything And Rise.✅ If it's in alignment for your highest good, your truth, your purpose, it's gonna work out for you. 

So this is something that you've been waiting for that you've been fighting for that you will have to take action upon. And again at the other end of this moon ☪️ comes success and clarity with the SUN☀️. Okay. Sun is the best card you can get out of the deck. Also under the moon, you have the EIGHT of WANDS, so there's action, movement, networking, communication opportunities coming in for you. So this is a lot of excitement. What you've been waiting for and again, a brand new, positive passionate creation and passion moving forward. You get to write your own story here. All right. So again, knowing your stuff studying your craft (dance & dance creations as well as the Heart Opening Cacao Ceremonies), perfecting & mastering it, okay, a lot of work. Sacrifice is put in place here. With what you're doing here. It's time though, time to move on to better things. Everything is aligning for you now to level up to get to embrace the new journey. Ahead there is a lot of excitement, joy, happiness here for you. You do definitely deserve it LISA. So continue to move on and align with your heart's desire. Okay. Keep aligning. 

All right, LA CASA which is the home, LA JAVE which is the key and a PERRO~DOG. Which is the dog signal, which is the lady. Yeah, the woman. This is you. All right. So you're definitely receiving the KEY to open new and amazing opportunities for you that you get to build upon. YOU get to create and build something amazing here that is something solid and stable. Something that you can call yours, something that you've been waiting for for so long. YOU hold the key to the wisdom. YOU hold the key to whatever this is, YOU are the key. So know that there's been people waiting for what you want to do here. People are waiting for you to step forward and be YOUR best. You know these people are very loyal. There is a friend(s) or partnership, people that can and really want to help you out and give you good advice. And so look forward to those type of partnerships. Be open to someone that will give you an idea, the key idea to something that's been missing.

With love & infinite gratitude ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒน
