Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We are in Costa Rica now. (Estamos en Costa Rica ahora)

We arrived in Costa Rica with no problems on Sunday afternoon, July 5th. We had to wait a long time in line to clear immigration and another line to clear customs. After we got our luggage we left the airport. As soon as we walked outside of the airport the transportation service that I arranged to pick us up had a man was standing there holding up a sign with OVERCASH on it. Oh how nice this was. The driver took us to our home in Villarreal about 45 minutes from the airport. The road was curvy and bumpy with cliff like drop offs near the road. There are mountains around us and the the beach is 20 minutes away the other direction. When we drove up to our home it was a store which was strange because it does not look like a house. The family that we are living with has a store in front of their home and they live in the back of the home. They make and sell bread and ice cream and other snacks and drinks. Our mom of the home is Georgina and she is very nice. She is always wanting to make sure we are happy. The room we are in has a tin roof and is very open to the outside. Their are walls but they are not very thick and certainly not insulated. It feels more like we are in a tent because many living things seem to get into our room. Candice is going to tell you about the things that have been visiting us in our room..... Hi! Wow mom typed a lot! Its about 9:15here and I'm very tired from walking today so I'm to go to bed and will continue this tomorrow. Buenas noches! (good night)


  1. Estoy agradecio por seguro de viaje y de llegada para usted! Dios este con vosotros!
    amore, maria isabelle

  2. Muy bien espanol Maria Isabelle. Muchas gracias por su mensaje. Dios te bendigo!
    Lisa y Candice
